On Wednesday, March 25, 2020, Governor Andy Beshear released an executive order detailing additional steps to try and contain the spread of COVID-19. Expanding upon his Healthy at Home Initiative, all businesses that aren’t one of the group considered life-sustaining will close to in-person traffic. The order goes into effect at 8 p.m. Thursday.
During all of this, the governor has said it’s important that businesses like grocery stores, pharmacies, banks, gas stations, laundromats, gun stores and others remain open, although they should work to limit any kind of interactions between customers.
“With the rise in cases and knowing that these next probably two weeks are going to be some of the most important, we are going to take the next step; so effective Thursday at 8 p.m. we are going to be asking all non-life-sustaining businesses to close to in-person traffic,” Gov. Beshear said. “Even for those who are going to be excepted under this order, we are going to mandate that type of social distance that we have to see out there to protect our people.”
Here is a list of stores and services that can remain open according to the order:
Read the full executive order here https://governor.ky.gov/attachments/20200325_Executive-Order_2020-257_Healthy-at-Home.pdf.